Buyer Advice

Buyer Advice Stewart Mill
Buyer Advice Condos Guelph

The Royal City is your oyster!

Condos Guelph is the most comprehensive website showcasing the unique condo communities and amenities in Guelph. Use this site as a source of information and to assist you in your search.

My advice to you- Guelph is a “City of Neighbourhoods”; choose the neighbourhood you want to be in and then choose your condo building.


We’d be happy to help you.

  1. Guelph is a “City of Neighbourhoods”; choose the neighbourhood you want to be in and then choose your condo building.
  2. What’s your budget? If you need financing, have a Pre-Approval done by a Mortgage Specialist. This gives you the price range to shop in.
  3. Make a list with two columns: your needs and your wants.
  4. Hire a REALTOR- someone who is trustworthy, experienced and educated about the local area and market. Real estate is hyper local. We offer an ultimate service buyer’s guarantee.If you’d like to speak- we’d be happy to. Contact me:
  5. Start the search- be sure you and your REALTOR are on the same page: your timeframe, needs, wants, budget and location.
  6. Budget for the costs associated with acquiring real estate (land transfer tax, closing costs, lawyer fees, mortgage broker fees, monthly condo fees, taxes)
  7. Found a property you love? Make an Offer!
  8. Making an Offer: Your REALTOR should be with you every step of the way. They will guide you through this process.

    An Offer includes many components:

    • price (what do you want to offer)
    • terms of agreement (deposit amount, closing date, conditions ex: home inspection, financing, revisits prior to closing)
  9. Once the negotiations are completed and the seller has accepted your offer you are ready for the next steps – hire a lawyer & prepare to move.

If you didn’t get the property you wanted, try again. There will be another and don’t get discouraged.